Bituminous Membrane Waterproofing
Bituminous membrane waterproofing is a popular method used for low-sloped roofs due to their proven performance. Bituminous waterproofing membrane have torch on membrane and self-adhesive membrane.
Application System:
- Surface preparation
- Bituminous Primer
- Bituminous Membrane (Self Adhesive / Torch on)
Area Of Application:
- Flat Terrace
- Sloping Roofs

TPO Waterproofing
Thermoplastic polylefin ( T.P.O) is a single-ply reflective roofing membrane made from polyprophylene and ethylene propylene rubber ppolymerized together. It is typically installed in a fully adhered or mechanically attached system, allowing the white membrane to remain exposed through out the life of the roof.
Application System:
- Mechanically Attached
- Fully Adhered
Area Of Application:
- Flat Terrace
- Industrial Sheds

Waterproof Coatings
Waterproof film which is formed by coating the surface with liquid or plastic materials, such as bitumen, mastic or P.U, which have corresponding properties, i.e. resistance to moisture.
- Elastomeric Coating
- Two Component Acrylic Cementitious Coating
- P.U Spray / Hand Applied Coating
Areas Of Application:
- Masonry Walls
- Concrete
- Floor
- Podiums
- Terrace

Injection Treatment
Leaking concrete structures such as Columns, Beams and Slabs, can have a greatly reduced service life due to steel corrosion and concrete damage. In order to avoid the expensive costs of repairs to the leaking structure, these leaks can often be securely sealed and waterproofed by Injection Treatment System.
Application System:
Depending on the structure and products used, a series of 5mm, 10mm and 16mm holes will be drilled into the structure to the target depth. After successful testing of the holes, the applicable product will be injected with specially designed injectors to form a seamless membrane within the structure, blocking all porous areas and pathways. Drilled holes will be re-filled or grouted.
Areas Of Application:
- Columns
- Beams
- Slabs
- Basement